Refurbishment and Repair Services

Heraeus Covantics can provide repair or refurbishment quartzware for all of the common applications
such as CVD, epitaxial deposition and other high-temperature processes.

Solutions are available for processing 6 inch up to 12 inch wafers (others on request).

Refurbishment of quartz equipment for CVD processes

Tubes used for CVD applications suffer extreme attack on the tube body in service. These tubes can be refurbished to near new by installing a new tube and dome. The flange in these applications is repaired as necessary for the sealing surface. This route of recycling the tube flange can have significant impact on cost of ownership and lead time.

A tube showing signs of usage from chemical processes
Refurbishment of quartzware for CVD applications


The repair of chips, broken ports, broken pedestal fins and small cracks can greatly reduce the cost of ownership compared to replacement. Consultation with one of our sales specialists can determine the potential repair for a given item. If it is feasible, the part is typically shipped to one of our repair locations for a custom quote to return the part to useable condition.

A photo of a cracked element of quartz glass as used in Semiconductor Processes
Repair of chips, broken ports, broken pedestal fins and small cracks

High temperature oxide wafer carriers can deform out of shape over extensive periods of time. We can straighten the rods and bring the wafer carrier back into useable condition.

Product examples for batch systems are process tubes, liners, wafer carriers, pedestals, gas injectors, bell jars and many more complex components.